Aries and Aries Rising
February begins with a new moon in Aquarius on January 29th, bringing fresh energy and opportunities, especially in the 11th House related to friendships, goals, and networking. This is an ideal time to attend networking events, start a nonprofit, or connect with like-minded individuals. Additionally, the alignment with Jupiter enhances communication and creativity, making it a great period for inspiration, content creation, and exploring new ideas. Mercury, the planet of communication, is also favorably aligned with this new moon, enabling you to articulate your ideas clearly when sharing them with your network or audience.
By mid-month, Mars will transition into your 5th House, which governs passion, creativity, and self-expression. This transit will beautifully complement the new moon’s energy, helping you take action on the ideas and connections you made at the month’s start.
On February 12th, a full moon in Leo will occur in your 5th House, culminating a passion project you’ve been diligently working on. This full moon may bring significant progress or momentum, allowing you to launch the project or idea you’ve been nurturing for some time.

Your full Astrology Chart and Forecast here: Kris Gray – Astrologer
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